Lucian Bebchuk Delivers Presidential Address to the Western Economic Association International

In the recent annual meeting of the Western Economic Association International (WEAI), held in Seattle this past weekend, Professor Lucian Bebchuk delivered a presidential address entitled “The Rent-Protection Theory of Corporate Ownership and Control.”

Bebchuk served as President of the WEAI during 2012-2013, its President-Elect during 2011-2012, and its Vice-President in 2010-2011.

Past presidents of the WEAI includes Nobel Laureates James Heckman (2007), Clive Granger (2003), Oliver Williamson (2000), Gary Becker (1997), Milton Friedman (1985), James Buchanan (1984), Kenneth Arrow (1981) and Douglass North (1976).

Founded in 1922, WEAI is a non-profit, educational organization of economists, with about 1,800 members around the world, dedicated to encouraging and communicating economic research and analysis.

Bebchuk’s presidential address is expected to be published next year in the WEAI’s journal Economic Inquiry.

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