About the HLS Forum on Corporate Governance

The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance is co-sponsored by the Harvard Law School Program on Corporate Governance, the Program on Institutional Investors, and the Program on Law and Finance. All views expressed on this Forum should be attributed only to the individuals expressing them; the Programs seek to provide a forum for the expression of different views and does not take positions on any corporate governance issues.

The Forum is the top online resource for discourse on corporate governance. Founded by Professor Lucian Bebchuk in 2006, the Forum has featured more than 6,400 posts by more than 5,000 contributors, and its posts have been widely cited in over 800 law review articles and regulatory materials. Commenting on the influence of the Forum for an article, Delaware Chief Justice Leo Strine observed that “[i]t is amazing to see the [Forum] become required reading among the intelligentsia … of corporate governance.” (see here). A recent post about the Forum’s influence and accomplishments is available here.

Submissions, and any other correspondence to the Forum’s editorial team, should be sent to [email protected]. Although the editors solicit most of the posts featured on the Forum, the Forum welcomes unsolicited submissions.

Members of the Forum’s editorial team currently include Carsten Koenig, Leeor Ofer, Anna Restuccia, Anna Toniolo, and Yifat Naftali Ben Zion. Former members of the Forum’s editorial team that now hold academic positions include Wanling Su (Indiana University), Itai Fiegenbaum (Willamette University), Tami Groswald Ozery (Hebrew University, Jerusalem), Scott Hirst (Boston University), Robert Jackson (NYU Law School), Kobi Kastiel (Tel Aviv University), James Naughton (UVA), Yaron Nili (Wisconsin), Noam Noked (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Greg Shill (Iowa), R. Christopher Small (University of Toronto), Holger Spamann (Harvard), Roberto Tallarita (Harvard), and Andrew Tuch (Washington University).

Readers of the blog may also write comments by clicking the “Comments” link below each post. Readers may also receive regular updates on new posts by clicking the RSS link on the right-hand side of the blog.

For the avoidance of doubt, posts in the Forum are not intended to provide legal or investment advice and should not be construed to provide such advice.

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