A new poll, conducted by Brian Leitter of the University of Chicago Law School, and published here, identifies the top business law faculties. Harvard Law School was ranked first, coming ahead of second-place Columbia Law School by a large margin. The poll ranks faculties in terms of their strength in the business law areas, including antitrust, bankruptcy, commercial law, contracts, corporate law and finance, and securities regulation.
The HLS business law faculty listed by the poll’s conductors are Lucian Bebchuk, Robert C. Clark, John Coates, Einer Elhauge, Allen Ferrell, Jesse Fried, Louis Kaplow, Reinier Kraakmann, J. Mark Ramseyer, Mark J. Roe, Holger Spamann, Kathryn Spier, and Guhan Subramanian.
More information about the poll and its results can be found here.