The Forum Attracts Numerous Citations from Academics and Practitioners

Tami Groswald Ozery is a co-Editor of the Forum and a Fellow at the Harvard Law School Program on Corporate Governance.

Posts published by the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance have had considerable influence on the discourse and literature in the field of corporate governance, as measured by citations of Forum posts. Since the Forum was established in 2006, Forum posts have been cited more than 1400 times, and such citations have appeared in more than 800 articles.

The list of articles citing Forum posts is available here and includes the following noteworthy aspects:

Established in 2006 by Professor Lucian Bebchuk and the Harvard Law School Program on Corporate Governance, the Forum has become the leading online resource and the central outlet for the exchange of ideas and debate in the field of corporate governance. In an article about the Forum that was featured in the Harvard Law Bulletin a few years ago, former Chief Justice Leo Strine observed that “[i]t is amazing to see the [Forum] become required reading among the intelligentsia … of corporate governance.”

The success of the Forum has been made possible by the contribution of numerous authors, as well as by the engagement of the Forum’s ever-growing readership. As we celebrate another record-breaking year, we are deeply grateful for the support of our contributors and readers and look forward to continued fruitful engagement!

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